
The immigration of Romanian Roma to Western Europe: Causes, effects and future engagement strategies. 2013-2017.

Giuseppe Beluschi Fabeni


PhD in Social Sciences (Universidad de Granada). He works in the field of migrations studies and Romani Studies.

He is interested on processes of social change and practices of cultural reproduction of communities when migrations turn their socio-territorial dimension from local or regional to international. Since 2003 he is carrying on ethnographic researches on Romani migration from Romania to Spain and other European countries.

For the MigRom project, Dr. Beluschi Fabeni, together with the Team Coordinator, organized and directed all ethnographic research, analysis and output, and helped with community engagement efforts. He also collaborated in the writing of reports, and made scientific contributions to the project and assisted in their dissemination.

Recent publication:

BELUSCHI FABENI, G. 2013. Roma Korturare entre Transilvania y Andalucía: Procesos migratorios y reproducción cultural. Universidad de Granada, Granada.