Project publications
- Agoni, M. (2015) Stereotypes, integration policies and multiple identities. From a mapping attempt to the experience of some Romanian Roma families in Milan. Dada. Rivista di antropologia post-globale, 5:1, 43-65
- Agoni, M. (2016a) Rom romeni in Italia: un quadro delle presenze, in Pontrandolfo, S. & Piasere, L., (eds), Italia Romaní, vol. VI, Le migrazioni dei rom romeni in Italia, Roma: CISU, 33-80
- Agoni, M. (2016b) Etnografia delle migrazioni e degli spostamenti di alcune famiglie di rom romeni tra Grădină e Milano, in Pontrandolfo, S. & Piasere, L., (eds), Italia Romaní, vol. VI, Le migrazioni dei rom romeni in Italia, Roma, CISU, 141-158
- Asséo, H. (2013) Izydor Kopernicki et les Roms de la Galicie polonaise. Etudes Tsiganes, 48-49, 140-147
- Asséo, H. (2014a) ‘Bohemiens du Royaume’. L’insediamento dinastico dei ‘capitaines e´gyptiens’ nella Francia di antico regime (1550-1660). Zingari, una storia sociale. Quaderni Storici, 146:2, 439-498
- Asséo, H. (2014b) Une historiographie sous influence. In Coquio, C., Poueyto, J. (ed.) Roms, Tsiganes, Nomades, un Malentendu européen, Paris: Kharthala, 63-82
- Asséo, H. (2015) Le génocide des Tsiganes in Muracciole, J. Piketty, G. (Ed.) Encyclopédie de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Paris: Robert Laffont, Bouquins collection, 1345-1346
- Asséo, H., Petcuţ, P. & Piasere, L. (2017) Romania’s Roma: A socio-historical overview. In Matras, Y. & Leggio, D.V. (eds.) Open borders, unlocked cultures. Romanian Roma migrants in Western Europe. London: Routledge, 26-56
- Beluschi-Fabeni, G. (2018) Ritual spaces and burial places. Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics 4:3. 136-157
- Beluschi Fabeni, G., López Lópex, J. & Piemontese, S. (2014) Between assimilation and heritagization. The linguistic construction of Gitanos in spanish housing policies. In Fondazione Michelucci (ed.), Wor(l)ds which exclude. The housing issue of Roma, Gypsies and Travellers in the language of the acts and the administrative documents in Europe, Fiesole: Fondazione Michelucci Press, 81-116
- Beluschi-Fabeni, G., Castilla Vázquez, C., & Muntean, V. (2015). La muerte en la diáspora y el rito en Internet. Ceremonias funerarias en la migración romaní rumana a Europa Occidental. In F. J. García Castaño, A. Megías Megías, & J. Ortega Torres (Eds.) Resumenes de ponencia y comunicaciones del VIII Congreso sobre Migraciones Internacionales en España Granada: 16-18 de septiembre de 2015, Granada: Instituto de Migraciones, Universidad de Granada, 257-258
- Beluschi-Fabeni, G., Gómez Oehler, E., & Muntean, V. (2017) Funerale 2.0. Riti digitali ed emigrazione dei Rom Korturare. Zapruder, 42:1, 98-105
- Beluschi-Fabeni, G., Leggio, D. V., and Matras, Y. (2018). A lost generation? Racialization and stalled social mobility in a group of Roma migrants in the UK. Migration Studies. doi:10.1093/migration/mny003
- Cools, P., Leggio, D.V., Matras, Y. & Oosterlynck, S. (2017) ‘Parity of participation’ and the politics of needs interpretation: Engagement with Roma migrants in Manchester. Journal of Social Policy, DOI:, 1-18
- Cousin, G. (2013a) L’évacuation de bidonvilles Roms. Metropolitiques, Circulaires Et Cycles Médiatiques, 1-6
- Cousin, G. (2013b) La Situation Des Roms En Europe de l’Est (Le Cas De La Roumanie). Catégorie Juridiques Ethnique Et Réifications Des Roms. In Redor-Fichot, M (ed.) Roms, Tsiganes Et Gens Du Voyage. Paris: Mare & Martin, 159-168
- Cousin, G. (2014) La Traite Des Enfants D’europe de l’Est. Metropolitiques, 1-3
- Cousin, G. (2016) Roms, avocats et juges. Regards ethnographiques sur les audiences de référé-expulsion au Tribunal de grande instance de Bobigny. In: Grégoire, G., Loiseau, G., Viala, L., Crozat, D. & Lièvre, M. (dir.) Actualité de l’Habitat Temporaire. De l’habitat rêvé à l’habitat contraint, collection ‘SHS’. Marseille: Terra HN editions.
- Cousin, G. (2017) Life and death of a French shantytown: An anthropology of power. In Matras, Y. & Leggio, D.V. (eds.) Open borders, unlocked cultures. Romanian Roma migrants in Western Europe. London: Routledge, 128-150
- Cousin, G.& Legros, O. (2014) Gouverner par l’évacuation ? L’exemple des ‘campements illicites’ en Seine-Saint-Denis. Les annales de Géographie 2014/6 (n. 700), 1262-1284
- Cousin, G. & Petcut, P. (2016) Déporter la paysannerie tsiganes, Etudes Tsiganes, 56-57, 104 – 123
- Fattori, F. & Meneghini, A. M. (2017) Quando “vecchi stereotipi” filtrano e modellano la percezione di nuovi gruppi: il caso dei rom romeni in Italia, in D. Boniforti, C. Albanesi, A. Zatti (eds.) Frontiere di comunità. Complessità a confronto. Atti dell’XI Congresso SIPCO, Bologna: Giuffré, 161-165
- Fosztó, L. (2018) Encounters at the Margins: Roma activists and social research in Romani studies, In Beck, S. & Ivasiuc, A. (eds.) Renewing Research and Romani Activism. Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books
- Gamella, J. (2018) Marriage, Gender and Transnational Migrations in Fertility Transitions of Romanian Roma Women. An Ethnographic Case Study. Intersections EEJSP 4(2): 57-85. DOI: 10.17356/ieejsp.v4i2.389
- Gamella, J., Beluschi Fabeni, G., & Gómez Oehler, E. (2015) Women’s Agency and Women Rights in the Workings of the Reproductive and Marriage Systems of Romanian Roma: A Study of Seven Transnational Family Networks. In F. J. García Castaño, A. Megías Megías, & J. Ortega Torres (Eds.), Actas del VIII Congreso sobre Migraciones Internacionales en España. Granada, 16-18 de septiembre de 2015. Granada: Instituto de Migraciones, Universidad de Granada, 79-90
- Gamella, J., Beluschi-Fabeni, G., Gómez Oehler, E. & Muntean, V. (2017) Founder effects and transnational mutations: The familial structure of a Romani Diaspora. In Matras, Y. & Leggio, D.V. (eds.) Open borders, unlocked cultures. Romanian Roma migrants in Western Europe. London: Routledge, 83-106
- Jiménez Bautista, F. & Jiménez Aguilar, F. (2017) La violencia contra los emigrantes romaníes: El caso de Granada in Becerril, D. & Lozano, A. Sociología del conflicto en las sociedades contemporáneas, Madrid: Dykinson, 115-131
- Jovanovic, S. (2014) I Muri della Discriminazione. Un Pregiudizio d’Origine. Servizio Migranti, 2, 25-41
- Leggio, D.V. (2015) Radio Romani Mahala: Romani identities and languages in a virtual space. In Alietti, A., Olivera, M. & Riniolo, V. Virtual citizenship? Roma communities, inclusion policies, participation and ICT tools. Milan: MacGraw-Hill Education, 97-114
- Leggio, D.V. (2017) Critiquing stereotypes: research engagement with local authority interventions in support of Roma migrants. ANUAC, 6:1, 119-140
- Leggio D.V. (2019) ‘Modern-Day Fagins’, ‘Gaudy Mansions’ and ‘Increasing Numbers’: Narratives on Roma Migrants in the Build-Up to the British EU Referendum. In Magazzini T., Piemontese S. (eds) Constructing Roma Migrants. Berlin: Springer, Cham. 69-88
- Leggio, V.L. & Matras, Y. (2017) How open borders can unlock cultures: Concepts, methods, and procedures. In Matras, Y. & Leggio, D.V. (eds.) Open borders, unlocked cultures. Romanian Roma migrants in Western Europe. London: Routledge, 1-25
- Leggio, D.V. & Matras, Y. (2017). Orthography development on the Internet: Romani on YouTube. In: Jones, M. C. & Mooney, D. (eds.). Creating Orthographies for Endangered Languages.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Leggio, D. V. and Matras, Y. (2017). Variation and dialect levelling in the Romani dialect of Ţăndărei. Romani Studies 27:2, 173-209. doi:
- Matras, Y. (2013) Scholarship and the politics of Romani identity: strategic and conceptual issues. European Yearbook of Minority Issues, 10 (2011), 209-245
- Matras, Y. (2014) Review of: New Soviet Gypsies: Nationality, performance, and selfhood in the early Soviet Union, By Brigid O’Keeffe. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. Romani Studies, 24:1, 93-98
- Matras, Y. (2015a) Use and Misuse of Data on Roma: A comment on the Salford on Roma Migrants. Zeitschrift für internationale Bildung und Entwicklungspädagogik 38(1), 29-30
- Matras, Y. (2015b) Review of: Expert Frames: Scientific and Policy Practices of Roma Classification. By Mihai Surdu. Budapest: Central European University Press, 2015. Social Inclusion 3(5), 167-169
- Matras, Y. (2015c) Transnational policy and ‘authenticity’ discourses on Romani language and identity. Language in Society 44, 295-312
- Matras, Y. (2015d) The Romani Gypsies. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
- Matras, Y. (2015e) Roma language and Roma culture. In: Friedman, E. and Friedman, V. A. eds. Romani worlds: Academia, policy, and modern media. Cluj-Napoca: ISPMN, 333-341
- Matras, Y. (2015f) Europe’s neo-traditional Roma policy: Marginality management and the inflation of expertise. In: Friedman, E. and Friedman, V. A. eds. Romani worlds: Academia, policy, and modern media. Cluj-Napoca: ISPMN, 29-47
- Matras, Y. (2015g) Review of: Remnants of a mixed language. By Gerd Carling, Lenny Lindell, Gilbert Ambrazaitis. Leiden: BRILL, 2014. Romani Studies 25:2, 225-229
- Matras, Y. (2017). From Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society to Romani Studies: Purpose and essence of a modern academic platform. Romani Studies 27:2, 113–123. doi:
- Matras, Y., Barnes K, and Mills, Elaine (2018) Shaping policy and practice through co-production: MigRom engagement with Romanian Roma and the ‘Manchester Model’. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 25:4. 281-289.
- Matras, Y. & Leggio, D.V. Eds (2017) Open borders, unlocked cultures. Romanian Roma migrants in Western Europe. London: Routledge
- Matras, Y. & Leggio, D.V. (2017) Community identity and mobilisation: Roma migrant experiences in Manchester. In Matras, Y. & Leggio, D.V. (eds.) Open borders, unlocked cultures. Romanian Roma migrants in Western Europe. London: Routledge,151-170
- Matras, Y., Leggio, D. V. & Steel, M. (2015) Roma Education as a lucrative niche: ideologies and representations. Zeitschrift für internationale Bildung und Entwicklungspädagogik 38(1), 11-17
- Matras, Y., Howley, G. & Jones, C. (2020) Attitudes to the language and identity of Romanian Roma migrants in a UK school setting. Intercultural Education, DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2020.1728092
- Meneghini, A.M. (2017) Stereotipi e paure degli italiani nei confronti degli zingari: una rassegna degli studi psicosociali condotti in Italia. Psicologia Sociale. 1, 3-31
- Meneghini, A.M. & Fattori, F. (2016) Distinzioni e sovrapposizioni tra romeni, rom e rom romeni: un’indagine psico-sociale, in Pontrandolfo, S. & Piasere, L. (eds), Italia Romaní, vol. VI, Le migrazioni dei rom romeni in Italia, Roma, CISU, 81-108
- Morales, N. (2015) Romnya Korturare en Granada: Discursos y experiencias femeninas en torno a la reproducción y los roles domésticos. Masters in ‘Estudios e Intervención Social en Immigrantes, Desarrollo y Grupos Vulnerables’, Universidad de Granada
- Navas Luque, M., López-Rodríguez, I., Cuadrado, I., & Beluschi Fabeni, G. (2015) Percepciones y actitudes hacia ‘Gitanos Rumanos’: un estudio piloto con profesionales de la asistencia social. In F. J. García Castaño, A. Megías Megías, & J. Ortega Torres (Eds.), Resumenes de ponencia y comunicaciones del VIII Congreso sobre Migraciones Internacionales en España. Granada, 16-18 de septiembre de 2015. Granada, 166-176
- Ogáyar, F.J. (2017) Vivir la diáspora en el muro de Facebook: La experiencia polymedia de los romá korturare de Rumanía occidental. B.A. Degree Thesis, Universidad de Granada
- Ogáyar-Marín, F., Muntean, V., & Gamella, J. (2018) Media and Digital Networks in the Romanian Roma Migration: A new transnational polymedia. Revista de Humanidades, 35 (2018), 107-136
- Paggi, S. (director) (2014) “Forth and back across Sacromonte”, documentary, Scientific consultancy by Beluschi Fabeni, G. & López López, J. protagonised by Stoian, D. and Iancu, C.
- Piasere. L. (2013) Un racisme méconnu: l’antitsiganisme. Dada. Rivista di antropologia post-globale, 2, 7-28
- Piasere. L. (2014a) Qu’est-ce que l’antitsiganisme? in Coquio, C., Poueyto, J. (eds.) Roms, Tsiganes, Nomades. Un malentendu européen, Paris: Karthala, 241-262
- Piasere. L. (2014b) Dora d’Istria y los gitanos rumanos. Revista Andaluza de Antropología, 7, 23-43
- Piasere, L. (2014c) Etnografie nelle/delle scuole. L’Uomo, 2, 125-137
- Piasere, L. (2014d) (with Carrara Sutour, V. M., Colombo, M., Faso, G. & Tosi Cambini, S.) The housing issue of Roma and Sinti in the acts and administrative documents in Italy. In Fondazione Michelucci (Ed.), Wor(l)ds which exclude. The housing issue of Roma, Gypsies and Travellers in the language of the acts and the administrative documents in Europe, Fiesole: Fondazione Michelucci Press, 31-79
- Piasere, L. (2014e) La invención de una diáspora: los nubios de Europa. Imago crítica. Revista de Antropología y Comunicación. 5, 171-185
- Piasere. L. (2015a) L’antiziganismo, Macerata: Quodlibet
- Piasere, L. (2015b) La nouvelle Europe? Les Roms s’en occupent! In Leresche, Y. (ed.) Roms. La quête infatigable du paradis, Gollion (CH): inFOLIO, 11-15
- Piasere, L. (2015c) Karl Marx et les Roms des Principautés roumaines, Etudes Tsiganes. 56-57, 236-260
- Piasere, L. (2015) Mariages romanes. Une esquisse comparative, Firenze: Seid
- Piasere, L. (2016) Karl Marx, Dora d’Istria e gli zingari moldo-valacchi della prima metà dell’Ottocento, in Pontrandolfo, S. & Piasere, L. (eds), Italia Romaní, vol. VI, Le migrazioni dei rom romeni in Italia, Roma: CISU, 187-224
- Piasere, L. (2018) The Catholic Church and the Evangelisation of ‘Nomads’ in Italy. Nomadic Peoples 22:1, 27-46
- Piemontese, S. & Beluschi Fabeni, G. (2014) Entre organización social y políticas públicas Pautas residenciales de familias rumanas romaníes en Granada. Sociologia, Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto Número temático 2014 – Ciganos na Península Ibérica e Brasil: estudos e políticas sociais, 153-173
- Pontrandolfo, S. (2014) The disappearance of a Rom community and the rejection of the politics of recognition. Journal of Modern Italian Studies. 19:2, 119-131
- Pontrandolfo, S. (2016) Una cornice di contesto per le migrazioni dei rom dall’Oltenia, in Pontrandolfo, S. & Piasere, L. (eds), Italia Romaní, vol. VI, Le migrazioni dei rom romeni in Italia, Roma: CISU, 11-32
- Pontrandolfo, S. (2016) Disappearance of a community and social suffering: the case of a Southern Italy Roma community. Journal of Mediterranean Studies. 25:2, 203-216
- Pontrandolfo, S. (2017) Romanian Roma migration to Italy: Improving the capacity to aspire. In Matras, Y. & Leggio, D.V. (eds.) Open borders, unlocked cultures. Romanian Roma migrants in Western Europe. London: Routledge, 107-127
- Pontrandolfo, S. (2018a) Roma ‘Acts of Citizenship’: Negotiating Categories and Housing Solutions. Nomadic Peoples 22:1, 83-103
- Pontrandolfo, S. (2018b) Social Mobilities in the Transnational Migration of Romanian Roma to Italy. Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics 4:2. 126-148
- Pontrandolfo, S. & Piasere, L. (eds) (2016) Italia Romaní, vol VI, Le migrazioni dei Rom Romeni in Italia, Roma: CISU.
- Roth, M. & Toma, S. (2014) The plight of Romanian social protection: addressing the vulnerabilities and well-being in Romanian Roma families. The International Journal of Human Rights. 18:6, 714-734
- Tesăr, C. (2014) Introducere la ediţia românească, in Stewart, M. Vremea romilor, ISPMN: Cluj Napoca, 2014, XVII-XXVII
- Tesăr, C. (2014) Pahare ascunse şi bărbaţi de renume. Crearea valorii obiectelor nepreuiţe şi a bărbaţilor la romii cortorari. In V. Mihăilescu, P. Matei (eds). Condiţia romă şi schimbarea discursului, Polirom: Iași, 47-73
- Tesăr, C. (2015a) Begging: Between Charity and profession. Reflections on Romanian Roma’s Begging Activities in Italy. In Tauber, E. and Zinn, D. (eds.) The Public Value of Anthropology: Engaging Critical Social Issues through Ethnography. Bozen: Bolzano University Press, 83-111
- Tesăr, C. (2015b) Cultural Politics & Balkan Music in Diaspora, by Carol Silverman. Reviewed in: The Anthropology of East Europe Review, 33(1): 99-100
- Tesăr, C. (2015c) La tradition de l’integration. Une ethnologie des Roms Gabori dans les anees 2000 by Martin Olivera. Reviewed in: Romani Studies 25 (1): 108-114
- Tesăr, C. (2016) Houses under Construction: Conspicous Consumption and the Values of the Youth among Romanian Cortorari Gypsies’, in Brazzabeni, M., Cunha, M.I. and Fotta M. (eds.) Gypsy Economy. Romani Livelihoods and Notions of Worth in the 21st Century. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, 181-200
- Toma, S.(2012) Review on Ten Years After: A History of Roma School Desegregation in Central and Eastern Europe. In Rostas, I.(ed.) Slavic Review, 72:3(2013), 627-629
- Toma S. (2017) MIGROM – A romániai romák migrációjának mintázata, kapcsolatok és hatások itthon, In: Erdélyi Társadalom, Year XV, Nr. 1, pg. 121-125
- Toma S & Fosztó, L. (2018a) Returnees and their neighbors: Migration of the Romanian Roma, networks, social distance, and local development. In Review of Sociology 28(4): 37–60.
- Toma, S. & Fosztó, L. (2018b) Roma within obstructing and transformative spaces. Migration processes and social distance in ethnically mixed localities in Romania. Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics 4:3. 57-80
- Toma, S., Tesăr, C. & Fosztó, L. (2017) Romanian Roma at home: Mobility patterns, migration experiences, networks, and remittances. In Matras, Y. & Leggio, D.V. (eds.) Open borders, unlocked cultures. Romanian Roma migrants in Western Europe. London: Routledge, 57-82
- Tosi Cambini, S. (2015) Lo spazio del razzismo. Il trattamento dei corpi (degli) altri nel governo della città, in G. Giuliani (a cura di), Il colore della nazione, Mondadori Education: Milano, 157-171
- Tosi Cambini, S. (2016) Da un villaggio del Sud della Romania a una città del centro Italia. Alcuni elementi di riflessione intorno al tempo, allo spazio e al senso nella migrazione di una rete di famiglie di rudari, in Pontrandolfo, S. & Piasere, L., (eds), Italia Romaní, vol. VI, Le migrazioni dei rom romeni in Italia, Roma: CISU, 159-184
- Tosi Cambini, S. & Beluschi Fabeni, G. (2017) Introduction to the thematic session: Ethnographers and Antiziganisms: local engagement in Europe. In ANUAC – Rivista dell’Associazione Nazionale Universitaria Antropologi Culturali. 6:2, 99-117
- Tosi Cambini, S., & Beluschi Fabeni, G. (Eds.). (2017) Ethnographers and Antiziganisms: local engagement in Europe. Eds. ANUAC – Rivista Nazionale Universitaria Antropologi Culturali. 6:2